Články / Society

Holocaust Memorial Day: Reseacher Madeline Vadkerty

Holocaust Memorial Day: Reseacher Madeline Vadkerty

To talk about her research in Slovakia, we invited Madeline Vadkerty – a professor, author, and researcher documenting Holocaust. She is an american who is now based in Slovakia, where she conducts her ...

Dennik N celebrates 10 years on the Slovak market

Dennik N celebrates 10 years on the Slovak market

Due to changes in the ownership of media in Slovakia the newspaper Dennik N, was founded 10 years ago. The N stands for nezávislý, meaning independent.  Ben Pascoe sat down with publisher and co-founder ...

Office of the Foreign Police in Bratislava still closed

Office of the Foreign Police in Bratislava still closed

The extraordinary opening of the Office of the Foreign Police in Bratislava has been postponed. The police are registering enormous interest from foreigners in connection with the announced extraordinary ...

2024 in RSI

2024 in RSI

Throughout the year, the team at the English section of Radio Slovakia International, Slovakia’s national broadcaster, reported on these and many other events. In this two-part special program...

Why to do speedcubing?

Why to do speedcubing?

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, interest in the Rubik's Cube has surged, largely driven by the rise of speedcubing.

Christmas Eve dinner for everyone

Christmas Eve dinner for everyone

Christmas is a special time of the year. The family gathers, there is plenty of everything, food, presents, and joy. A lot of time off as well.

Women under socialist regime in Slovakia and Hungary

Women under socialist regime in Slovakia and Hungary

What emerges from a meeting between a professor of ethnology from Bratislava and an associate professor, ethnologist/folklorist from Budapest? A Slovak-Hungarian book exploring the lives of women ...

Generacie Spolu and summer holiday plans

Generacie Spolu and summer holiday plans

Trenčín, a charming city in Western Slovakia, is gearing up to become the European Capital of Culture in 2026. However, planners have identified a significant gap in participation among residents of ...

Biela Vrana 2024

Biela Vrana 2024

The White crow awards for civic bravery and responsibility were given out in Bratislava.  Laureates included conservationist and former director of a national park, current and former reporters ...

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