Články / News

NGOs to undergo financial audit

NGOs to undergo financial audit

There's a need to carry out a financial audit in NGOs, as they misuse their funding, Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) said on a private TA3's discussion programme on Sunday.

EP monitoring rule of law in Slovakia

EP monitoring rule of law in Slovakia

The European Parliament's Monitoring Group on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights met in Brussels on Thursday to discuss the latest developments in the rule of law in the Slovak Republic. ...

New health-care package to be discussed in Parliament

New health-care package to be discussed in Parliament

The government approved a set of healthcare legislative changes as part of the agreement with the Medical Trade Union (LOZ) on Thursday. Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Hlas-SD) expressed confidence that ...

Measures will be needed due to public deficit on rise

Measures will be needed due to public deficit on rise

The public finance deficit might increase to 5 percent of GDP or €6.9 billion if the government doesn't approve any additional measures, and it would mean that the negative deviation from the budgetary ...

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