Články / Culture

Actor Štefan Kožka dies

Actor Štefan Kožka dies

Actor Štefan Kožka passed away on Monday at the age of 66, Bratislava-based New Stage Theatre director Ingrid Fašiangová has confirmed to TASR press agency.

Dezo Hoffmann, the Beatles photographer

Dezo Hoffmann, the Beatles photographer

One day during an editorial meeting, a pink envelope from a girl complaining that the press was ignoring a "fab" group in Liverpool, grabbed Slovak photographer Dezo Hoffmann's attention.

Best European book is Slovak

Best European book is Slovak

Slovak author Pavol Rankov has become the winner of the 14th European Book prize aka Prix du Livre Europeen. Rankov received the award for his novel Stalo sa prveho septembra, or „It happened on a September ...

Small interest in state compensation for culture workers

Small interest in state compensation for culture workers

The Culture Ministry has recorded only a small number of subsidy applications submitted by people working in technical and support artistic professions who have been hit by the coronavirus pandemic since ...

Saturday Theatre night fever

Saturday Theatre night fever

On Saturday, 21st November, you can spend the night in a theatre, as Slovakia is included in the list of countries sharing their European Theatre Night. It will be possible to visit theatre premises, including ...

Banská Štiavnica runs for top film location

Banská Štiavnica runs for top film location

Banská Štiavnica has made it into the final 5 of the top European film locations contest run by The European Film Commissions Network. The winner will be chosen in an online public poll.

Green drama in Slovakia

Green drama in Slovakia

It is already a well-known fact that the world is dealing with a climate crisis. As a reaction to that, green topics are now slowly being introduced in all sectors of human activities, even in the theatre. ...

Night of museums and galleries

Night of museums and galleries

On Saturday, 14th November, the regular event Night of museums and galleries will be held online. It will be possible to attend the collections and special programs of institutions all across Slovakia. ...

Slovak films going greener

Slovak films going greener

Over the 20th century, movies and then later series have become one of the main sources of entertainment, relaxation, and even knowledge.

Slovak Philharmonic goes on online

Slovak Philharmonic goes on online

In September, Metropolitan opera in New York announced cancelling the entirety of the 20/21 season due to recommendations of health authorities regarding the situation with COVID-19 pandemic.

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