Slovak Christmas Down Under

Slovak Christmas Down Under

Singing about the weather outside being frightful, or dreaming of a White Christmas while dashing through the snow, are some of the Christmas classics we have associated with the holidays in the northern Hemisphere. In the following minutes, however, we will learn more about how these days are observed in the land down under, moreover with a special Slovak side to it. Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur" in Melbourne observes the same traditions as their ancestors used to in the old homeland, however, slightly adapted to the new environment. Zuzana Botiková spoke to Benjamin Peška, president of the club.

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Before the pandemic, St. Stephen's Day Party or Štefanská zábava used to be one of the highlights of the Slovak community life in Melbourne.

(Photo source: Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur")

Zuzana Botiková; Photos: Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur"

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