Special Listeners' Tribune: Meky Žbirka musical tribute

Special Listeners' Tribune: Meky Žbirka musical tribute

In reaction to the passing of the Slovak pop music legend Miroslav "Meky" Žbirka on November 10, 2021, Zuzana Botiková and Martina Šimkovičová dedicated the Listeners' Tribune show to the stories, songs and memories connected to the late singer. Therefore, sit back, relax and enjoy the music.

Listeners Tribune_Zbirka Tribute Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Songs mentioned in the show:

She‘s Out Of Control
Mesto spí
V slepých uličkách
Dieťa z dobrej rodiny II
Biely kvet
Balada o poľných vtákoch
Čaj o piatej

Zuzana Botiková, Martina Šimkovičová; Photo: TASR

Živé vysielanie 21:34

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