Články / News

Slovakia seeks non-Russian gas transit solutions

Slovakia seeks non-Russian gas transit solutions

Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanár welcomed the European Commission’s support for Slovakia and Hungary in protecting critical energy infrastructure, including pipelines running through Ukraine. Speaking ...

Fico proposes constitutional changes in Slovakia

Fico proposes constitutional changes in Slovakia

Prime Minister Róbert Fico unveiled a draft proposal for constitutional amendments on Monday, January 27, addressing topics such as gender recognition, adoption rules, and educational content. Some of ...

Neo-Nazi attacks in Bratislava

Neo-Nazi attacks in Bratislava

Bratislava is facing another case of neo-Nazi attacks. A group of masked men, known as White Zone, assaulted people on the streets and in public transport. The attackers recorded the incidents and uploaded ...

President to commemorate Auschwitz Camp liberation

President to commemorate Auschwitz Camp liberation

President Peter Pellegrini will attend celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland on Monday (January 27) and meet camp survivors with Slovak ethnic ...

Cyber-attack on state-owned health insurer

Cyber-attack on state-owned health insurer

Another massive cyber-attack was underway against Slovakia, targeting state-owned health insurer Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, PM Robert Fico and Health Minister Kamil Sasko told a press briefing on ...

New Police Corps President announced

New Police Corps President announced

Jana Maskarova will be the new Police Corps president, replacing Lubomir Solak in the post, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Hlas-SD) announced at a news conference on Monday.

Coalition lacking 2 MPs

Coalition lacking 2 MPs

Coalition's Hlas-SD party expelled MPs Samuel Migal and Radomir Salitros from its ranks at its congress on Friday.

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