Články / News

PM Fico: Slovakia doesn't send its own gas to Ukraine

PM Fico: Slovakia doesn't send its own gas to Ukraine

Slovakia does not send any gas to Ukraine, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) stated in a social media video on Wednesday, responding to a misleading headline by STVR News that claimed Slovakia was supplying ...

Perceived safety deteriorating, not only in Bratislava

Perceived safety deteriorating, not only in Bratislava

Despite the fact that Bratislava still ranks among the safest capital cities in Europe, the so-called perceived safety is deteriorating. Bratislava Mayor Matúš Vallo, Police President Jana Maškarová and ...

Czech and Slovak Presidents meet in Paris

Czech and Slovak Presidents meet in Paris

Political relations between Slovakia and Czech Republic should improve, Slovak President Peter Pellegrini agreed with his Czech counterpart Petr Pavel at their meeting on the sidelines of the Global Action ...

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