Články / News

Hungarian PM is visiting Bratislava

Hungarian PM is visiting Bratislava

The Slovak Government Office announced that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is set to visit Slovakia on Tuesday, January 21. Slovak PM Róbert Fico will hold meeting with him at the Slovak Government ...

Young Slovak politicians call for calm amid tensions

Young Slovak politicians call for calm amid tensions

Young representatives from progressive parties are urging Slovak politicians to help calm tensions in society, especially among youth. This follows a violent incident in Spišská Stará Ves and escalating ...

Slovakia wins legal battle against Interblue Group

Slovakia wins legal battle against Interblue Group

Slovakia's Environment Ministry has won a long-running lawsuit filed by Interblue Group AG, which sought €34.6 million. The case, dating back to 2016, started because of a disputed sale of emission quotas ...

PM Fico leaves for Turkey, will meet President Erdogan

PM Fico leaves for Turkey, will meet President Erdogan

Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD), accompanied by a delegation of ministers and businessmen, left for an official visit to Turkey on Monday morning, TASR has learnt from the Government Office's press department. ...

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