Články / Culture

Culture: Bratislava celebrates architecture and design

Culture: Bratislava celebrates architecture and design

The Days of Architecture and Design (DAAD) are being held this year in conjunction with the Days of Architecture and Film (DAAF). The 15th edition of the DAAD was officially opened on Tuesday (May 28) ...

Modern patriotism in Slovakia

Modern patriotism in Slovakia

The ice hockey world championships are one of the most patriotic times of year in Slovakia. In honour of this time of year Ben Pascoe talked with identity creator and an Hurbanist, a term we will learn ...

Actor Ladislav Chudík was born 100 years ago

Actor Ladislav Chudík was born 100 years ago

Almost 150 film roles and especially the role of senior doctor Sova in the series Hospital at the End of the City (Nemocnice na kraji města) contributed to the popularity of Ladislav Chudík. Monday, ...

Ladislav Chudík would turn 100

Ladislav Chudík would turn 100

In this Monday show, we are going to commemorate one of the legends of Slovak theatre and cinema, Ladislav Chudík, who would turn 100 on May 27.

Demonstration against changes in Slovak Arts Council

Demonstration against changes in Slovak Arts Council

About 250 activists and artists gathered in front of the parliament on Tuesday, May 14th in protest against the amendment to the act on the Slovak Arts Council. Some had their hands tied with ropes while ...

Starmus has started in Bratislava

Starmus has started in Bratislava

The international festival of science communication, music and art Starmus was launched in Bratislava on Sunday, May 12th with a concert by the French musician Jean-Michel Jarre. The event co-founders ...

The World of Improvisation Theatre in Bratislava

The World of Improvisation Theatre in Bratislava

Stand-up comedy has become a common genre also in Slovakia. Funnylicious Theatre is connecting the idea of fun and theatre in their improvised performances in a slightly innovative way. What message and ...

The story of the rebel actress

The story of the rebel actress

This year, we mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the first Slovak actress - Anička Jurkovičová. For mid-19th century women, it was nowhere near common to be a part of a theatre play. Even female ...

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