Články / Culture

The World of Improvisation Theatre in Bratislava

The World of Improvisation Theatre in Bratislava

Stand-up comedy has become a common genre also in Slovakia. Funnylicious Theatre is connecting the idea of fun and theatre in their improvised performances in a slightly innovative way. What message and ...

The story of the rebel actress

The story of the rebel actress

This year, we mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the first Slovak actress - Anička Jurkovičová. For mid-19th century women, it was nowhere near common to be a part of a theatre play. Even female ...

Slovak “Floating Arboretum” floating in Venice

Slovak “Floating Arboretum” floating in Venice

On Saturday, 20 April, 60th International Art Exhibition opens in Venice, Italy. The prestigious showcase of the latest contemporary art will also feature the Slovak project “Floating Arboretum” located ...

Slovak music 101 with Oliver Rehák

Slovak music 101 with Oliver Rehák

Ben Pascoe talks with musicologist, musical journalist, musician and music lover Oliver Rehák to give you an intro to Slovak music today.

EBU on RTVS draft bill

EBU on RTVS draft bill

Since its beginnings in 1991, public media in Slovakia have experienced many changes. Slovak Television was witnessing constant changes on the post of its general director while Slovak Radio served as ...

Best Slovak non-mainstream music awarded

Best Slovak non-mainstream music awarded

To present the latest developments in the sphere of non-mainstream music genres, it presents once a year the so called Radio_Head awards in a grand ceremony. The awards take the form of a well-shaped ...

Culture Minister questionably dismisses two directors

Culture Minister questionably dismisses two directors

On Monday, 25 March, Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova dismissed Katarina Kristofova, the head of the Slovak National Library as well as Zuzana Liptáková, the head of the International house of art ...

Mourning over Kunsthalle

Mourning over Kunsthalle

The community of visual artists gathered in front of the Kunsthalle Bratislava for a collective mourning over the end of this institution. Along with acclaimed artists, there were students as well as ...

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