Články / Society

And the anti-award goes to ...

And the anti-award goes to ...

For the first time in history Slovakia has its anti-award for the sexist kix or mishab. Why? Is Slovakia a sexist country? And why does it matter what ads tell or show us?

Unbearable bears?

Unbearable bears?

In the beginning of April the town council of Vysoke Tatry declared a state of emergency due to the frequent appearance of bears in inhabited areas.

Aven Bachtale! Be happy!

Aven Bachtale! Be happy!

April the 8th is the International Roma Day. Roma are the second largest ethnic minority group in Slovakia counting for an estimated 10% of the population.

School in the living room

School in the living room

What does it look like when children go to school in their living room? Homeschooling is a very rare but existing phenomenon in Slovakia, and Katarina Richterova looked into it, with her microphone.

Home on Mama

Home on Mama

Discover an interesting project some enthusiastic Slovaks have developed to help the refugees who are entering Europe in often inhumane conditions.

Dumped toxic waste removed after major clean-up

Dumped toxic waste removed after major clean-up

In 1963 the Czechoslovak government had an oily problem: 30,000 cubic metres of toxic waste oil from the former Apollo oil refinery which was destroyed during the Second World War.

Don’t give us flowers; give us rights!

Don’t give us flowers; give us rights!

On Tuesday, March the 8th, we celebrated women. On the occasion of International Women's Day Katarina Richterova got together with a few women to learn why flowers and chocolates are "out" and women's ...

A feral solution: catching; castrating; releasing cats

A feral solution: catching; castrating; releasing cats

Being a street cat is tough. Feral cats regularly die from harsh diseases such as leukaemia, feline HIV, chronic hunger, and being killed by cars. It's a problem which has quickly become critical, according ...

Slovak firefighters face new challenges

Slovak firefighters face new challenges

Did you know that in Slovakia there are more car accidents on Friday afternoons than at any other time? If the accident is severe, firefighters are typically called to remove trapped passengers and put ...

Farewell to a grand human being

Farewell to a grand human being

On January 7th one of the most respected and popular personalities in Slovakia Father Anton Srholec passed away at the age of 86.

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