Články / Green Slovakia

Pt. 8: On history’s trail with KST and Katarinka

Pt. 8: On history’s trail with KST and Katarinka

This year, Slovakia’s oldest marked hiking trail turned one hundred and fifty years old. This follows last year’s celebration marking 150 years since the establishment of Slovakia’s first hiking club. ...

Pt. 7: Making Slovakia wild again

Pt. 7: Making Slovakia wild again

In May this year, a group of scientists, managers, and stakeholders descended upon the Tatra mountains for a three-day workshop.

Pt. 2: Sekier ecovillage and World Water Day

Pt. 2: Sekier ecovillage and World Water Day

In this episode we are returning to the Sekier ecovillage. We are discussing how the village residents and guests lecturers educate themselves and the public in sustainable living.

Pt. 1: Sekier Ecovillage

Pt. 1: Sekier Ecovillage

Technological advancements as of late have been staggering in their speed and for their potential to change society in profound ways. In some, this generates a feeling of excitement and a desire to know ...

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