Not even a month after the reconstruction of the government is it clear who will be the Minister of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation. While the Minister of Tourism and Sports is now run by newly appointed Rudolf Huliak, the future of the Vice-Chair of Hlas-SD party Richard Raši remains open due to conflicts in the coalition. Defence Minister Robert Kaliňák confirmed that they have been holding talks about the position with the MPs who were either expelled from the coalition Hlas-SD party, like Samuel Migaľ and Radomír Šalitroš, or are still its members yet rebelling, namely Ján Ferenčák.
Andrej Danko, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, admitted on the Sunday TV debate programme of the public broadcaster that while he does not share Prime Minister Robert Fico's views on the coalition negotiations, he respects them. At the same time, the SNS leader announced that he would support any candidate of Hlas-SD for the Speaker of Parliament.
According to opposition PS party MP Michal Truban, it is only a matter of time before other MPs start demanding high positions from the Prime Minister. “Again some coalition MPs will realise that this is the way how to blackmail either Robert Fico or the coalition or many dissatisfied coalition MPs.”
The decision of the so-called migrants to get posts at the Ministry of Investments has disappointed the opposition. SaS MP Vladimíra Marcinková continues: "They are unhappy with the way this government does not care about the people and thinks only of itself, letting itself be bought for a post, for a ministerial seat."
The coalition must reach an agreement by the 25th of March, when the next session starts. The key is how the so-called Hlas rebels will decide. Samuel Migaľ, an independent MP, hopes the disputes can be settled this week and the result will be the name of a new Minister of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation. “Somebody from the three of us will definitely join the executive power,” he stated. According to Migaľ, Radomír Šalitroš might become the new Minister. The three MPs are holding talks with Defence Minister Robert Kaliňák while claiming that they are not interested in high positions.
Source: Peter Madro, Rádiožurnál, Slovenský rozhlas