Bratislava Airport evacuated due to bomb threat

Bratislava Airport evacuated due to bomb threat

M.R. Stefanik Airport in Bratislava was evacuated Wednesday morning due to an anonymous caller reporting a bomb there, Bratislava region police posted on a social network on Wednesday.

"Based on an anonymous announcement regarding the placement of an explosive device on the premises of M.R. Stefanik Airport in Bratislava, the police are currently taking the necessary steps, including evacuating people. A check for explosives is being carried out at the site," said the police, adding that police officers from Bratislava II district are investigating the incident.

According to airport spokesperson Veronika Demovicova, arrivals at the airport have not been restricted, but passengers from arriving flights are currently waiting on planes for further instructions, with no current option to get off the plane. All departures were suspended pending further instructions from the police.

The spokesperson said that the whole terminal of Bratislava airport was evacuated due to a bomb alert at 8.40 a.m. on Wednesday. "The Emergency Medical Service operations centre (OS ZZS) received information from the police on a potential bomb threat at Bratislava airport. We're currently monitoring the situation," OS ZZS deputy spokesman Richard Boljesik told TASR.


Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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