Články / Society

100 years of Alexander Dubček

100 years of Alexander Dubček

On 27 November we mark 100th anniversary of the birth of the renowned Slovak politician and diplomat, face of the 1960s liberalisation in communist Czechoslovakia, Alexander Dubček. His name still resonates ...

Do you know a victim of violence in a relationship?

Do you know a victim of violence in a relationship?

Almost half of Slovaks have in their immediately circle a person with an experience of violence in a partnership relationship, according to a survey on violence against women by the Kantar Hoffmann agency ...

High proficiency level of English in Slovakia

High proficiency level of English in Slovakia

The Slovak Republic came 20th in the world in its level of English language skills. It is 5 ranks better in a year-on-year comparison. This is the result of the 2021 English Proficiency Index ranking... ...

Interhelpo and "Czechoslovak utopia" in Kyrgyzstan

Interhelpo and "Czechoslovak utopia" in Kyrgyzstan

Alexander Dubček was one of the most popular communist politicians in the late 1960s, during the so-called Prague Spring. He spent his childhood in a utopist commune "Interhelpo" in Kyrgyzstan.

Discovering Eastern Slovakia with Local Nomad

Discovering Eastern Slovakia with Local Nomad

Former PM Robert Fico, while in office, once infamously said that there is nothing in Eastern Slovakia. Igor Kupec, with his project Local Nomad, is trying to prove quite the opposite.

Script for Kosice being written by its citizens

Script for Kosice being written by its citizens

When creating its Social and Economic Development Plan, the city of Košice decided to adopt a rather innovative and participative approach. And so, together with Creative Industry Košice, the city launched ...

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