Články / Society

30: Dominik Želinský and his Czechoslovakia

30: Dominik Želinský and his Czechoslovakia

Being born in 1993, yet still somehow impersonating Czechoslovakia, in some of his works Dominik Želinský looks on the stereotypes of Slovak characters in Czech movies.

30 years of RSI

30 years of RSI

It was on the 29th March, 1993, that Radio Slovakia International made Slovakia heard to the world for the first time. In English, German, French and Russian...

"Respect us on road and in society"

"Respect us on road and in society"

On March 8 we observe International Women's Day. This global holiday brings attention to issues such as gender equality.  

The dangers of online challenges

The dangers of online challenges

Why are online challenges attractive to young people? Psychologists from the IPčko.sk portal have found that communicating with adults about the dangers of the Internet is very helpful for teenagers. ...

Threatening public radio woman journalist

Threatening public radio woman journalist

Attacks on journalists because of their work are absolutely unacceptable, President Zuzana Čaputová stressed on 27th February, 2023, on her social network and expressed her support for Marta Jančkárová, ...

Journalist's murder, 5 years since...

Journalist's murder, 5 years since...

The following minutes will be fully dedicated to the 5th anniversary and the aftermath of the tragic event, which targeted the young Slovak journalist and his fiancée, but in wider scope also the free ...

WRD 2023: Can radio build peace?

WRD 2023: Can radio build peace?

In 2023, the theme of the World Radio Day (WRD) is "Radio and Peace". UNESCO has issued its statement on this occasion naming independent radio "a pillar for conflict prevention and peacebuilding".

30: Kristián Dufinec and his Roots

30: Kristián Dufinec and his Roots

30 year old Slovaks, or so to say, Peers of the Republic, is the name of the new series Radio Slovakia International will be running throughout this year.

Life on the Czechoslovak border

Life on the Czechoslovak border

What does life look like 30 years after the division of Czechoslovakia on the Czech-Slovak border? We visited the towns of Skalica, Holíč and Hodonín to find out more.

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