Why would Slovaks living abroad return?

Why would Slovaks living abroad return?

Low salaries in relation to the cost of living is the main reason discouraging Slovaks from returning from abroad, according to a survey that was carried out at the "Work in Slovakia - Good Idea!" events in London and Dublin in 2019. The survey results were presented by the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (AmCham) and IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS) this week. The survey shows the socio-political situation in Slovakia as the second important reason. Other reasons given by respondents were a better social system in the target country and a lack of job opportunities in the region they came from.

Meanwhile, improvement in the governance of public affairs was given as one of the most important reasons motivating Slovaks to return to their home country. The second most important motive is an interesting job offer from Slovakia, with family reasons and social ties being in third place.

At the time of the survey, 14 percent of respondents planned to return to Slovakia within three months and 26 percent within a year. Thirty-six percent of respondents had their return in the long-term plan, but had no idea when it would be, while 23 percent did not rule out they might return, but did not plan to do so at the moment. Only 1 percent of respondents were sure they wouldn't return.

According to the survey, almost half of respondents would consider a job offer in Slovakia if they were able to handle the entire recruitment process abroad. More than 60 percent of respondents said they would consider a job offer if this included the possibility of retraining or supplementary education.

The "Work in Slovakia - Good Idea!" initiative was set up in 2019 within the Digital Coalition as a cooperation between AmCham, ITAS, the Office of the Vice-premier for Investments and Informatisation, with the support of the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The aim of the initiative is to motivate Slovaks working abroad to return home and to present them attractive job offers in the IT sector, shared services centres or in the healthcare sector in cooperation with important employers in Slovakia.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Maarten Visser

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