Kvapka Nádeje launches campaign to strengthen child psychiatry services

Kvapka Nádeje launches campaign to strengthen child psychiatry services

The Kvapka Nádeje Foundation has highlighted the severe understaffing and lack of hospital beds in child psychiatry departments across Slovakia. In response, it has launched a campaign titled Nehádž hlavu za hlavu (Don’t Ignore Mental Health), aimed at supporting projects to build, expand, and modernize these facilities.

The initiative was announced at a press conference on Monday by Vendula Pizingerová, president of the Czech branch of Kvapka Nádeje, Michal Kaľavský, trustee of the Slovak foundation, and Jana Trebatická, head of the Child Psychiatry Clinic at the National Institute of Children’s Diseases in Bratislava.

They emphasized the urgent need for effective support for child psychiatric units in Slovak hospitals. "Experts today face major challenges, with increasing demand for psychiatric evaluations, appointments with child psychiatrists and psychologists, and rising hospitalizations due to severe mental health conditions," Trebatická noted, adding that efforts to improve treatment conditions for children with psychiatric disorders are gradually making progress.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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