Slovakia has become the centre of the European association of deposit return systems

Slovakia has become the centre of the European association of deposit return systems

Seventeen European countries formed the European Deposit Return Systems Association (EDRSA), which was registered in the Slovak Republic. It was officially launched last Thursday (20 February). The primary objective of the association is to expand cooperation in the field of Deposit Return Systems (DRS) within Europe.

Other aims and priorities of EDRSA include promoting innovation, increasing efficiency and environmental responsibility of backup systems by bringing together key players from across the industry, including backup system administrators, legislators, recyclers and technology providers. The Association will also serve as a platform for sharing information, expertise, advocating for effective legislation and modern initiatives in the circular economy.

"From a broader perspective, we also have the ambition to contribute to shaping the future of the circular economy and environmental protection. We extend our hand to all those who share similar goals," said Marián Áč, President of the Association.

EDRSA is made up of deposit return system administrators from Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo:

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