President Pellegrini: Solution to war in Ukraine only possible with Europe

President Pellegrini: Solution to war in Ukraine only possible with Europe

President Peter Pellegrini stated on Sunday at the end of the Munich Security Conference that no solution to the war in Ukraine is sustainable without Europe and the European Union (EU), expressing his belief that Europe should participate in peace talks, TASR learnt from its special correspondent on the same day.

"The conditions for a lasting ceasefire or peace may be agreed upon, but without security guarantees, which should also involve EU countries, it won't work. The guarantees, and how long the peace will last, will depend on the European Union's stance and strength," emphasised the President.

Pellegrini also expects that the final decision on the potential participation of the EU will be up to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj, who, in his speech at the Munich conference, reiterated his refusal to accept any peace agreements without Ukraine and Europe’s involvement.

Meanwhile, speaking on STVR's political talk show 'Sobotne dialogy' (Saturday Dialogues), House Vice-chair Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD) stated that it's good that representatives of the European Union aren't present at the initial peace talks regarding Ukraine, as, according to him, their involvement could hinder a peaceful solution, while his opponent, MP Irena Bihariova from Progressive Slovakia (PS) party, believes that both Europe and Ukraine must be present at the upcoming negotiations.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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