EC warns that Slovakia faces three lawsuits at the EU Court of Justice

EC warns that Slovakia faces three lawsuits at the EU Court of Justice

The European Commission (EC) on Wednesday outlined the legal action it is taking against EU member states that have breached the law and failed to meet their obligations under EU legislation. In February's package of legal proceedings, Slovakia was mentioned three times, reports TASR's Brussels correspondent.

In the Energy and Climate area, the EC sent reasoned opinions to Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden for failing to implement EU rules to speed up permitting procedures for renewable energy projects set out in the EU's 2023 directive amending the 2018 Renewable Energy Directive into their law.

The Directive contains clear time limits for permitting procedures targeting specific technologies or project types. The deadline for transposing these provisions into national law was 1 July 2024. Last September, the EC sent 26 member states a formal notice because they had not fully implemented the directive into national law, and after examining the responses, the EC is sending reasoned opinions to eight member states for failing to notify transposition measures. The governments have two months to take the necessary measures or the EC will refer the cases to the EU Court of Justice.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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