Perceived safety deteriorating, not only in Bratislava

Perceived safety deteriorating, not only in Bratislava

Despite the fact that Bratislava still ranks among the safest capital cities in Europe, the so-called perceived safety is deteriorating. Bratislava Mayor Matúš Vallo, Police President Jana Maškarová and Deputy Director of the Bratislava Regional Police Headquarters Milan Pilip agreed on this at a meeting on Tuesday (11 February). The topic was several aspects of security. The mayor informs about it on the social network.

"Although Bratislava is still one of the safest capitals in Europe, the so-called perceived safety is deteriorating. And this is true not only in Bratislava, but in Slovakia as a whole," says Vallo.

According to him, hatred is being transferred from online to the physical space of the city. Verbal conflicts tend to be more aggressive, often escalating into violence. Those at risk are usually the weakest: women, plus people from cultural and other minorities, including the homeless. According to the mayor, municipal and state police, as well as private security services, should be all the more sensitive in dealing with such situations. He therefore asked the Police President for increased attention.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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