Slovakia becomes part of non-combat evacuation operations coordination group

Slovakia becomes part of non-combat evacuation operations coordination group

Slovakia has become a part of the coordination group for the effective planning and execution of evacuation operations, NEOCG (Non-Combat Evacuation Operations Coordination Group). The Foreign Affairs Ministry confirmed this after receiving notification from the United Kingdom who currently preside over the grouping.

"Gaining an observer status in this important grouping confirms that Slovakia is a relevant partner with high-quality expertise in the field of crisis management and evacuations that our partners value and appreciate," stated Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD). He pointed to the fact that Slovakia's membership in the NEOCG will contribute to better preparedness in case of the need to evacuate Slovak citizens from crisis areas.       

 "Given the current security situation and the increase in the number of crisis situations that may directly impact our citizens abroad, the need for an effective and rapid response is an absolute priority," stressed the minister. In this context, he recalled the experience of the humanitarian evacuation from Lebanon, when not only 34 Slovaks, but also 60 citizens of other partner countries who asked Slovakia for help with the evacuation, were safely transported to their homelands through a logistics hub in Cyprus.

Slovakia officially applied for observer status in the NEOCG in October 2024.

Source: TASR

Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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