NGOs to undergo financial audit

NGOs to undergo financial audit

There's a need to carry out a financial audit in NGOs, as they misuse their funding, Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) said on a private TA3's discussion programme on Sunday.

According to Defence Minister, NGOs use 90 percent of finances for other than declared purposes. “Therefore, I think that the Government Office should launch a complete financial audit of the use of money in all NGOs that live off taxpayers' money or EU funds in the near future," stated the minister.

According to MP Tomas Valasek (Progressive Slovakia/PS), also on the show, the coalition hasn't provided any evidence to support the claim that a coup is being prepared in Slovakia. He pointed out that a potential subsidy fraud by NGOs doesn't give a reason for suspicions of a coup.

Kalinak criticised the opposition PS and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) for turning down President Peter Pellegrini's invitation for a roundtable discussion about Slovakia's foreign policy. Valasek stated that there is a sole party on the political scene who admit that the country might quit the European Union and it is Smer-SD. Therefore, Pellegrini should chiefly hold talks with representatives of this party, he added.

Source: TASR

Martina Greňová Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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