Four individuals banned entry to Slovakia over coup preparation

Four individuals banned entry to Slovakia over coup preparation

Four individuals have had their entry to Slovakia banned with respect to the preparation for a coup in Slovakia. Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Hlas-SD) also confirmed that one individual with Ukrainian citizenship will be administratively expelled from Slovakia. The Minister claimed he didn't know yet what kind of threat the administratively expelled individual poses to Slovakia, but assured the public that the law enforcement bodies know what they're doing.

Sutaj Estok claimed that the state has approved anti-coup preventive measures. He underlined, however, that he won't ever let security forces shoot protesters with rubber projectiles or turn water cannons on them. The Interior Minister added that he learnt news that members of the Georgian Legion are in the country and attempting to stage "what happened in Georgia" also in Slovakia. According to him, Slovak citizens are also involved in these activities.

Source: TASR

Martina Greňová Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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