On Friday, almost 519 000 primary school pupils and more than 222 000 secondary school students were handed over their report cards for the first half of the 2024/2025 school year. This brings the total number of pupils to more than 741 000. As Education Ministry informed, an assessment in Slovak schools is carried out according to the level of achievement in a given subject continuously during the school year and cumulatively for the first half-year and the second half-year of the school year in accordance with the school education programme of the respective primary school.
In the first to fifth year of primary school, assessment may take the form of a classification, a verbal assessment or a combination of a classification and a verbal assessment. In grades six to nine, the pupil is assessed either by a mark only, i.e. in the form of a classification, or the classification mark may be supplemented by a verbal assessment, i.e. an evaluative description of how the pupil has met the learning objectives of the subject.
Source: TASR