President ready to receive opposition next week

President ready to receive opposition next week

President Peter Pellegrini is ready to receive representatives of the Slovak opposition next week after their mutual agreement on whether to request a joint or individual reception. The President’s Office on Thursday further informed that Pellegrini got acquainted with the open letter of the Christian Democrats (KDH), in which the representatives of the movement ask to be received, although a few days ago they also asked for a joint meeting with the leaders of the PS and SaS.

The Christian Democrats said on Thursday that they were asking the President for admission in the context of the overall political situation and the Security Council. The aim of the meeting would be to exchange views on the current situation and possible solutions aimed at improving it.
The three opposition parties jointly requested a meeting with the President in early January.

They also want to discuss the future foreign policy direction of Slovakia.

Source: TASR

Martina Šimkovičová Greňová, Photo: TASR

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