Young Slovak politicians call for calm amid tensions

Young Slovak politicians call for calm amid tensions

Young representatives from progressive parties are urging Slovak politicians to help calm tensions in society, especially among youth. This follows a violent incident in Spišská Stará Ves and escalating online hate directed at young people. Nikolas Prejsa, head of the Mladí SaS, called on politicians to act, stressing that the recent wave of online violence started with a gesture by student Simon Omaník, who refused to shake hands with Peter Pellegrini. Katarína Kollárová from Mladé PS criticized the government's lack of response to the dangers young people face in schools due to dangerous rhetoric. The ruling coalition responded by accusing opposition youth of double standards, citing their silence during previous controversies, including when Igor Matovič displayed diapers at the government office.

Source: STVR

Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: TASR

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