Media Services Council imposes fines and halts proceedings

Media Services Council imposes fines and halts proceedings

The Media Services Council (RpMS) imposed a sanction during its Wednesday meeting in the form of a warning for violating the law and a financial penalty. It also halted administrative proceedings against the broadcaster TV Markíza and the content service provider

The administrative proceedings against TV Markíza were stopped because the reason for the case, related to a potential violation of objectivity and impartiality in the May 26, 2024, program Na telo, was no longer valid. Similarly, the proceedings against were halted as the reason for the case, regarding the prevention of the spread of illegal content, was no longer relevant, as the content in question was no longer available.

The council also imposed a warning against the broadcaster Joj for failing to inform the council by July 19, 2024, about how it marks programs for the visually impaired and those with hearing disabilities, despite airing such programs on that day.

A €1,000 fine was imposed on the broadcaster Dajto for failing to provide a continuous broadcast record of the program Tango and Cash, aired on March 30, 2018, within 15 days of the council's request.

Finally, RpMS deemed a complaint about the Jazz program service related to the possible misuse of assigned frequency parameters as insignificant and did not pursue further action.

Source: TASR

Jeremy Hill, Photo: TASR

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