Extra money for culture workers
While culture workers protest in the UK (London, Manchester) and one third of US museums may be closed permanently, Slovak government allocates extra €11 million for artists who are most at risk, e.g. ...
While culture workers protest in the UK (London, Manchester) and one third of US museums may be closed permanently, Slovak government allocates extra €11 million for artists who are most at risk, e.g. ...
Ivan Ostrochovský's new film "The Servants" (Služobníci) was selected among the best titles of European cinema last year. The European Film Academy (EFA) on Tuesday announced the first round of a wider ...
The Finance Ministry has earmarked €11 million for independent culture. According to Culture Minister Natália Milanová this extraordinary aid for those who have not been entitled to the existing state ...
A major change awaits the whole funding structure of Slovak public broadcaster Radio and Television Slovakia, or RTVS, including the setting of license fees. This stems from preliminary information coming ...
Deputy Culture Minister Vladimír Dolinay perished in a traffic accident on Saturday. In reaction to the sad event, state representatives including President Zuzana Čaputová, Bratislava Mayor Matúš Vallo ...
As of 7th July 2020, a change in organizing mass events has been applied in Slovakia. The so far chess-board-like seating commonly seen also in theatres is now being changed into a layout of alternating ...
After WWII, new technologies made it possible to save and process sounds as well as edit them and play them back at a later time.
On 1st July, the third largest gallery in Slovakia opened a visual art exhibition curated by a writer, the first of its kind in this country. In Liptovský Mikuláš, the number one touristic destination. ...
The largest multigenre festival in Slovakia, Pohoda, has been held every second weekend in July for over 20 years. But now.
On Saturday, 27th June 2020, a special bank note worth €0 was issued by the town of Krupina marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest poets of Slovak literature.