Články / Culture

Meadow of thanks

Meadow of thanks

In 2009, a meadow was saved in Bratislava in order to protect a nearby 2000 alluvial tree forest, against the will of developers.

From children’s home to world stage

From children’s home to world stage

He spent all his childhood in a children's home. At a young age, he was unjustly and wrongly diagnosed as mentally retarded. He had to face prejudice and stigma due to his Roma origins.

Astor Piazzolla at Konvergencie 2021

Astor Piazzolla at Konvergencie 2021

Konvergencie or Convergence, when translated into English, is a term known to musicians. In the online Cambridge dictionary it is defined as two or more ideas, things, etc. becoming similar or coming together. ...

Streamline radio is Slovak

Streamline radio is Slovak

Had you visited the V&A Museum in London some time ago, you would have found the tag "Anonymous" naming the designer of the Tesla Talisman 308U radio receiver.

SND's historic building to be temporarily closed

SND's historic building to be temporarily closed

The historic building of the Slovak National Theatre (SND) on Hviezdoslavovo Square in Bratislava will be temporarily closed, SND spokesperson Izabela Pažitková announced on Monday.

Renassaince of European theatre

Renassaince of European theatre

The Slovak National Theatre as well as Jan Palarik Theatre in Trnava were re-open at the beginning of May 2021. As of May 10, 2021, theatres in Slovakia may perform for live audience again following the ...

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