Články / Culture

Slovak retro design on display in Berlin

Slovak retro design on display in Berlin

From March to July, 2023, a grand project focusing on design of former socialist block countries Retrotopia: Design for socialist spaces is on display in the German capital Berlin. The famous ...

Killing of a journalist in Slovakia

Killing of a journalist in Slovakia

With Matt Sarnecki, we were speaking in Bratislava shortly after launching his film in Slovakia and a few weeks ahead of death and rape threats to a public radio journalist in February 2023.

Movies, like cavemen, tell stories

Movies, like cavemen, tell stories

In March 2023, young film professionals from Slovakia had the opportunity to meet with star US film professionals working on blockbusters as well as independent cinema productions thanks to the platform ...

She-director about Mimi/She-hero

She-director about Mimi/She-hero

Mira Fornay is an acclaimed Slovak director living in Czech Republic and France. She has received several international awards for her films „Foxes“ as well as „My dog killer“.

Magic flute in Bratislava, Magic flute in Košice

Magic flute in Bratislava, Magic flute in Košice

On Sunday, 19th March, the Slovak National Theatre presents Mozart’s masterpiece opera “The Magic Flute” in Bratislava. Starring are the famous Slovak soprano Slávka Zámečníková as Pamina and tenor Juraj ...

Guided tour by 2022 Oskar Cepan Awardees

Guided tour by 2022 Oskar Cepan Awardees

The guided tour of the exhibition entitled “Call me if you need me” by Oskar Cepan award finalists for the year 2022 will be held in Kunsthalle Bratislava on Sunday, 19th March.

Best U18 songwriter in UK is Slovak

Best U18 songwriter in UK is Slovak

Confessing her inner thoughts gathered over the COVID-19 pandemic, Gigi Ann Green, from southern Slovakia, released a powerful message.

Tribute to Juraj Jakubisko

Tribute to Juraj Jakubisko

They used to call him the Slovak Fellini. Legendary film director Juraj Jakubisko died on 24th February 2023 aged 84. His films were awarded more than 80 awards at international film festivals.

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