SND drama ensemble rejects accusations of Culture Minister

SND drama ensemble rejects accusations of Culture Minister

Culture workers employed by the drama ensemble of the Slovak National Theatre refuse statements of the Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova that the statement they read at the end of each performance is a part of activities coordinated from abroad.

The Minister suggested this in her post on Telegram social network on Wednesday. She accused actors of trying to overthrow the government despite the fact that their salaries come from the state budget. She criticises the fact that since the start of the theatre season 2024/2025, the actors read statements after each performance opposing changes in the management and intimidating culture workers.

“Our statement did not arise from the initiative of an NGO as was stated on social networks neither was it written by activists. We are its authors and it was not created in abroad,”
Several senior members of the drama ensemble, recognised Slovak actors and actresses said on Thursday at a briefing in front of the SND building. “The only foreign representatives with whom we cooperate in this season are Comédie-Francaise, National Theatre Ljubljana, National Theatre Prague, Schauspielhaus Wien, whose production audience could see on stage,” stated members of the drama ensemble of the Slovak National Theatre.

As the daily SME informed, statements are read not only in this theatre but also in many others across Slovakia.

Source: SME

Martina Šimkovičová Greňová, Photo: TASR

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