Singer Barbara Hascakova dies at 43

Singer Barbara Hascakova dies at 43

The Slovak singer Barbara Hascakova has died at the age of 43. She passed away on November 22 but her death was not announced until Sunday by her brother, Andrej Hascak. Hascakova was living in Sarasota in Florida. She died at the Memorial Hospital there, which said the cause of death was a sudden stroke.

Hascakova, born in Kosice, became a popular music star in the 1990s. In 1998, she won the Slavik (Nightingale) music award and a year later the Grand Prix in Poland. She lived in the USA from 2000.



Haščáková_Barbora_tasr.jpg hascokava1_TASR.jpg hascakova_TASR.jpg
Bickercaarten Michiel, Photo: TASR

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