33rd Month of photography
On Tuesday, 31 October, the 33rd festival entitled the Month of Photography will open in Umelka, the gallery of the Slovak visual art union in Bratislava. The series of 24 exhibitions will include, among others, documents by the communist secret service as well as a 1986 iconic show by three then young, now renowned, photographers Pacina, Prekop, Stano. The 2023 program features artists from Europe, Afghanistan, Iran as well as works by Canadian rock star Bryan Adams awarded for his photography work. This year, the month-long festival starts with a show by Slovak photographer Miro Nôta presenting 30 portraits of top representatives of Slovak cinema and audiovisual production. The program also includes 6 workshops, the launch of 4 books and 2 discussions – one on AI and human creativity and one on 30 years of Czech and Slovak photo culture.
Source: RSI
Košice becomes laureate of Theatre Olympics
Národné divadlo Košice or the Kosice National Theatre became the laureate of the 10th Theatre Olympics that was held in Budapest, Hungary. It was granted the award for its ballet show “Hamlet”. In the past 25 years, the international gathering known as the Olympics has become one of the largest international events of its kind. This year, about 1000 shows were presented to the jury and the public. Ondrej Soth, the general director of the theatre based in eastern Slovakia described the show as “dangerous for ballet dancers as there is a kinetic stage with two big wheels, a plank and a turntable.“
Source: RTVS
Vámoš, Vilikovský and Kepplová on London literary map
An exhibition presenting „Lost and Found. Mapping Literary London“, an online project launched a few years ago by University College London (UCL) opened in London. It includes excerpts from works by Pavel Vilikovský and Gejza Vámoš (two of the three Slovak writers featured in the project) and can be seen until 31 May 2024 at South Cloisters, UCL Wilkins Building. The digital map will be expanded with excerpts from more authors added. Translator and promoter of Slovak literature in English translation Julia Sherwood informs:
Julia Sherwood
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Source: Julia Sherwood
Top Dutch performer in Slovak National Gallery
Performance WeighT of Love [Unbearable Lightness] by Dutch artist Peter Baren will be held in the Slovak National Gallery on Thursday evening. Baren has been working almost exclusively in the medium of live performance for a long time, and in this field he is considered one of the most respected artists in Europe as well as in the global art world.
Source: SNG
ArtFest Bratislava 2023
Pisztory palace in the Slovak capital is housing a festival of artworks that will be presented by the 15 artists themselves. Paintings, sculptures and jewelery will be explained on the spot by Ondrej Rudavský, Fero Lipták, Martin Šulík and Jana Brisudová among others from Friday, 27 through Sunday, 29 October.
Hory a mesto
The Hory a mesto or Mountains and city festival ended on Wednesday, 25 October in Bratislava. The five-day competition of mountain films combined with multimedia presentations presented foreign and Slovak guests who are world leaders in adventure sports.
Róbert Vrlák
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Source: RSI