Culture News Week 22

Culture News Week 22

BRaK brings books to Bratislava

The 10th Bratislava Book Festival will be held over the upcoming weekend (2-4 June, 2023). Nova Cvernovka culture hub in the Slovak capital will house authors, publishers, booksellers, graphic designers, translators, illustrators and, of course, readers from several European countries. The whole event starts on Thursday, 1 June, with the conference discussing AI in the publishing industry, bibliodiversity and also promoting books on social media. The BRaK festival features not only a weekend book sale of participating small and medium sized publishers but also theatre, concerts and activities suitable for kids.

Parks and gardens open doors

The first June weekend is dubbed as the Rendez-vous aux Jardins aka “Open Parks and Gardens Weekend” in 23 European countries including Slovakia. As of Friday through to Sunday, it is possible to visit some of the 120 parks and gardens all across the country. Organised for the 15th time by the National Trust, the event aims at raising the awareness of the value that parks and gardens add to culture of the country. The key activity are guided tours providing expert information in order to increase the awareness of how to conserve, restore or create gardens. The key theme of this year’s festival is the music of the garden. The map of spots to visit can be found on

Slovak Dance Platform 2023

The 2nd year of the event named Slovak Dance Platform starts Thursday in Bratislava, west, and Banska Bystrica, central Slovakia. The showcase festival of Slovak contemporary dance will feature 9 dance projects selected by a board of experts, discussion and events for local as well as international professionals. Dance shows are open to public. The festival starts on Thursday in Bratislava with simultaneous dance performance in public space that was inspired by the project The Urge, a tribute to lockdown improvisation. The three day event also includes discussions and formats for international and national professionals, promoters, curators and artists, while the performances are open to the general public.

Great actress and actor pass away in one week

In one week, Slovak culture has lost two outstanding personalities. 24 May, actor, songwriter and musician Dano Heriban died at the age of 43. Starting in progressive ensemble Chamber Theatre Martin, he later became a member of the Slovak National Theatre. Heriban was a thoughtful comedian as well as a great dramatic actor. His music production included albums both, for adults and children.

Not even a week after Daniel Heriban’s passing, the legend of Slovak female playwriting, actress Milka Zimkova, passed away aged 71. She was mostly known for starring in the internationally successful 1982 feature film “She kept asking for the moon” based on her novel. Despite her achievements in film, she was a pioneer and the key representative of monodrama genre in Slovak theatre.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: W. Švábenský,, flickr

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