Slovak retro design on display in Berlin

Slovak retro design on display in Berlin

From March to July, 2023, a grand project focusing on design of former socialist block countries Retrotopia: Design for socialist spaces is on display in the German capital Berlin. The famous Kunstgewerbemuseum, however, does not house objects commonly used. The key idea here is to present the futuristic even utopic tendencies as having been thought of over 50 years ago. Special art yet not representing the taste of the time. Listen to the interview with the curator of the Slovak presentation Klara Presnajderova.

In the interview you will find out:

  • what Slovak projects visitors can see at the exhibition

  • what the idea behind the project is

  • why the exhibition is so unique

Slovak design in Berlin Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Airport image.png

Presidential Airport Lounge, Bratislava, Slovakia

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: Lívia Pemčáková

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