One of the top film events globally, the International Film Festival Berlin, aka Berlinale, started its 2023 edition on Thursday with three Slovak films selected for the program. The animated feature film “White Plastic Sky” by directors Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabo is also co-produced by the public RTVS and will be presented in the Encounters competition. The Generation Kplus section will feature She-Hero by director Mira Fornay. Another Slovak female director Viera Cakanyova’s documentary “Notes from Eremocene” will be screened on Monday, February 20. by director Viera Cakanyova will be screened Monday, February 20, in the Forum section. Two Slovak films are nominated for the European Children’s Film Association awards: „How I learned to fly“ and „Suzie in the garden“.
Source: Audiovisual Information Centre, RSI