This Saturday night is the European Night of Museums. 200 institutions from all across the country will be presenting the cultural heritage of Slovakia to the widest audience. In the past two years, the event was focused mainly on online events due to the pandemic situation. However, 14th May 2022 will welcome visitors in person. Slovak museums are advertising attractive night shows in the wake of live contact with general public. Lectures, workshops and other forms of innovative presentation will be held for the whole day until late in the night. Visitors sending pictures from this cultural tour will have the chance to win annual entrance to all parts of the Slovak National Museum as well as entry to the University Library in Bratislava that is not usually available for the general public. The Slovak National Museum has grouped together the cultural institutions of Bratislava county in a common ticket and booklet both in Slovak and English. Extra transport will enable easy travel from the capital to institutions in its vicinity, e.g. Pezinok, Modra, Casta, Malacky and Senec. It will also be possible to take a ride in a steam train in the Rail Museum.
Museums and galleries in other Slovak towns will also coordinate their activities through incentive cultural tours joined by a single entry ticket. A purchase in one institution will serve as a free ticket to all of the rest of the museums to be visited. Kosice Museum Night will include guided tours in 10 institutions including the Eastern Slovak Museum, Eastern Slovak Gallery, Tabacka Kultur Fabrik and Vojtech Lofler Museum among others.
Regional museums will focus mainly on presenting local specific features. Organisers of the Night of Museums and Galleries event in Slovakia promise regular as well as fresh forms of presenting cultural heritage to their audience.