Slovak artist studying circus in France

Slovak artist studying circus in France

It is not common that Slovaks study the art of circus. There is no high school nor university providing such studies in our country. That is why people travel abroad to get a degree in the field of circus. One of them presented her art along with her schoolmates in Bratislava over the past weekend. Our colleague Natalia Grestyova has more.

Slovak studying circus in France Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.


12birds&1stone picture 1.jpeg 12birds&1stone picture 2.jpeg LPP2021_plagatA3_07_CIRKUS kor1.png Pohoda Vlajky Zapad Slnka_Michal-Augustini.jpg
Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: Pohoda festival

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