Best European book is Slovak

Best European book is Slovak

Slovak author Pavol Rankov has become the winner of the 14th European Book prize aka Prix du Livre Europeen. Rankov received the award for his novel Stalo sa prveho septembra, or „It happened on a September first", the story of three friends longing for the love of the same woman in the years 1938-1968. Translated into French by Michel Chasteau, it was presented at Livre Paris in 2019. The 13 European journalists, members of the jury, which was chaired this year by the actress Carole Bouquet, greeted "an excellent contribution to the work of memory and the examination of conscience not only of the populations of the former Soviet bloc, but of all of Europe".

Source: LIC

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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