Subsidies for culture and creative industry approved

Subsidies for culture and creative industry approved

The Government-approved draft amendment to the Act on Providing Subsidies gives new opportunities to address the current situation in culture and creative industries, Culture Minister Natalia Milanova (OLaNO) told a press briefing during the Government session on Wednesday.

The minister announced that the legislative proposal will be presented at the next parliamentary session and that the approval process should run smoothly. "The amended law should be effective as of November 1. Under ideal conditions we could launch a call on November 16," said Milanova. The Culture Ministry wants to make use of a questionnaire and register to be used by people working in culture and the creative industry. The details of the call itself will be further specified by the ministry.

According to a draft amendment to the Act on Providing Subsidies within Culture Ministry's Powers, approved by the Government on Wednesday, the ministry could provide a subsidy from the state budget to tackle the consequences or reduce the negative effects of emergencies on culture. The Cabinet also approved a proposal for a fast-tracked legislative procedure.

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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